Hi all!
I keep getting more feedback about the DJ Feed and I must say I am very grateful for that. Recent reviews are from Norway, Denmark, USA and England and every single one is making me more confident this system surely has added positive things to their events and this kind of system really is what they need. Now and in the future. Thanks everyone for letting me know I am on the right track! =)
I really appreciate when people send me info on what they use the DJ Feed to achieve, what they like about it along with any feature requests and/or photos of them using it.
Last weekend we went to Norrköping, Sweden and along with two more requests if they can use the DJ Feed at their events, I also got to meet a whole lot of dancing friends from here and there. Mostly around mid Sweden, but also a happy group from Norway. And the ‘main attraction’, someone I haven’t seen in many years; Mr. Paul McAdam.
And yes, of course, they used the DJ Feed there too. 😉